Sunday, January 22, 2017

Biodiversity. The Top 10 Unusual Animals

Biodiversity. The Top 10 Unusual Animals

Cute, very ugly or with unsuspected talents, these unusual animals are all surprising!

Discover in pictures our top 10 unusual animals!

1- Physical, do not trust the appearances

Contrary to appearances, the physalies (since there are 2 species, Physalia physalis and Physalia utriculus) are not jellyfish but siphonophores, of the order zooplanktonic organisms. They live in tropical seas and move into colonies.

2- the kakapo, the parrot that was thought to have almost disappeared

this adorable New Zealand parrot is a very curious animal: unable to fly, slow and sometimes too lazy to breed, the kakapo almost disappeared. In 1990, there were only about 50 specimens left. Today, there are 126, a slight better encouraging!

3- Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis, Indian amphibian

Much less cute, Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis is an amphibian that we know recently. It passes most of the year hidden in the soil and only emerges from the ground to reproduce during the monsoon.

4- the leafy hippocampus, the king of camouflage

Also called leafy sea dragon, the leafy hippocampus is a pretty marine fish found on the Australian coasts. The species is protected.

5- the lyre bird, champion of imitations

This large bird with short wings and large legs is mainly terrestrial. Living in the Australian wet forests, the stunning lyre bird is capable of mimicking any sound! Listen to it!

6- the Yeti crab, Antarctic creature

The Yeti crab (Kiwa hirsuta) is a crustacean living in the depths of the South Pacific Ocean. Its "fur" is made up of abundant bristles that cover its paws.

7- RedLipped BatFish, fish with scarlet lips

This rare fish found only on the Galapagos Islands is not a very good swimmer. A crown for a fish! He uses his pectoral fins to walk to the bottom of the water.

8- Axolotl, the eternal larva

This strange animal can spend its whole life in the larval state, without ever metamorphosing into an adult. This super larva is able to regenerate its organs when damaged.

9- the Tarsier, he has the eye!

This tiny and adorable primate makes us crack with his big eyes that are 150 times bigger than those of a human being! Nocturnal animal, the little Tarsier lives in the jungle, the Philippines and Indonesia.

10- the Blobfish, creature of the depths

This large gelatinous fish with unattractive physique can live up to 1200 meters deep. It occurs in Australian and Tasmanian waters. Like all deep-sea fish, blobfish is threatened by bottom trawling.

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